Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Signs that You are Obsessed with Baz Lurmann's Romeo + Juliet

Especially for you, Babydolla.You.

- When you pass a fish tank, you look.........nobody is on the other side.
- You know all of Mercutio's dance moves.
- When you get a letter from a friend, you jump up and down and scream, "News from Verona!".
- When your girlfriend tells you to leave her room,you say "Will thou left me so unsatisfied?"
- Your standard greeting for friends each morning is "Good Morrow!"
- Thy's email is
- When you want to get away from everything, thy drive to Mantua.
- You play dead, when your parents want you to do something that you really do not want to do.
- You go around calling your friends Tybalt, Mercutio, and Rosaline.
- You plan to go Verona Beach for a holiday.
- Thee make a ring with “I love thee” on the inside.
- You decide to have a huge party with fancy dress and you dress as an angel or knight.
- You Forget Nikes or Adidass', you want a pair or Montagues or Capulets.
- You start calling every policeman - Prince

(inspired by SRT's Play, Romeo & Juliet )


Anonymous Anonymous said... one!
i likey!
esp since its for me.

thou art an entertainer.
come hither.
with thy folly, make me laugh.

12:57 AM  

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