Friday, November 17, 2006

The Finger

Was driving on the way back home after my ICT Training along SLE.
Long Drive. Too Long.

Quiet mid afternoon traffic.

So, There was this old, Nissan Cefiro, 1st 80s Model, who was like travelling at I swear at 70km/h on the 3rd lane.

So I move into the centre lane, to get ahead of this nissan, and moved back into the 3rd lane ahead of him.

When I passed him, of course there was the usual stare, saw that the driver was a really old man who was sitting so close to the dashboard. He was almost like on the hood of the car already.

AND FOR SOME REASON, this old bud thought that I cut him off. So, he pulls up along side of me, gives me the finger before he exits!

I was like....Hes in his least AND HES giving me the finger!!

Laughed to my myself and drove along.

Now the the finger. It seems like such an... arbitrary, ridiculous thing to just pick a finger and you show it to the person.

It's a finger, what does it mean? Resembles the Male Reproductive Organ? So if I show my Penis to someone, is it better and worse than the finger?

Someone shows me one of their fingers and I'm supposed to feel bad. Is that the way it's supposed to work?

I mean, you could just give someone the toe, really, couldn't you? I would feel worse if I got the toe, than if I got the finger.

Cos it's not easy to give someone the toe, you've gotta get the shoe off, the socks. Gotta Get it elevated so intended can see. After which bring it down put the socks and shoes on again.

I mean, that's really insulting to get the toe,isn't it ?


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