Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Top 10 Signs that You're Not Superman

OKOK! I got excited about what I wrote on Spidey.
Wanted to. Another superhero. And it came to me.The Top Ten

Top 10 Signs that You're Not Superman
10. Your application to the Justice League was rejected.
9. Your X-Ray vision only enables you to see through glass.
8. You fall over continuously tripping on your cape
7. Your home planet is still habitable, but your father sent you here anyway.
6. Instead of "It's a bird, it's a plane..." people say "What in the blue hell is that shit?"
5. A speeding bullet kicked your ass on the 100 Meter Dash
4. the Only Lex you know is spelled as “Lexus”
3. Lois lane becomes a lesbian. And is involved in a love triangle between Supergal and Catwoman.
2. Exposure to Kryptonite only gives you a ringing in the ears.
1. The only way you got the M&M jar open was by smashing it with a hammer.

( damn i'm good! )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot one more.

11. instead of flying straight,
you tend to tilt sideways, similar to becoming senget. =P


you my karunsta...truly are my superman ;)

1:02 AM  
Blogger WolfMan said...

How about Hopping on one leg when you get all excited?

2:05 AM  

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