Monday, June 19, 2006


Why is Panties plural, and bra singular....

The latter does comes in twos.

C'mon ladies, shed some light here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

where you find time to come out with this type of question?? hmm??...u must have been staring at the underwear section of the Singapore Sales ad right? u sick sick man...

anyhoo...i'm guessing that it might be a typo. anyone who ever shop for lingerie or own a Victoria Secret's catalogue would recall that the bodytext reads "...lace bra and matching panty..."

we kept saying panties even when its only singular cos - our parents said 'panties', our grandparents said 'panties', and everyone say it with me ..'PANTIES!!'.. >_<

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahhaha... i like your last para, Ms anonymous *wink* *wink*

I thot this was a rather funny post.

1. Panty is singular, panties is plural.

2. Bra is singular, bras is plural.

3. A bra doesn't come in twos!! It's a single piece of cloth with 2 cups. Still A BRASSIERE!!

Now, here's a thot to ponder on... Why is knickers plural? Hehheee ~

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:53 AM  

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