Monday, May 22, 2006

My 1st Top Ten - Innovative ways to order a Pizza

Well, I ordered a pizza last Sunday, having ordered before, the lady at the end read back my address, and I confirmed it.

I waited for an hour and a half, getting real hungry, decided to call and check on my pizza. And I was shocked to hearwhen the lady, very politely, said that someone from my address had accepted the pizza 15 mins ago. I told her, politely, that I do not stay in a mansion, and I WOULD know if a pizza was delivered at my place.

After, 15 mins, the lady called back apologised for the confusion, never explained why, and offered me a free pizza on my next order.

So about 2 hours later, while eating my pizza, I cam up with my very own, 1st Top Ten..

Top Ten Innovative Ways to Order a pizza

1. Ask them if you can keep the box. When they say yes, break into tears and go, “Thank you! Thank you so much! God bless you!” etc.

2. Ask to see a menu.

3. Ask them to confirm exactly how many dolphins had to be killed in order to make your pizza.

4. When they repeat your order back to you, change it slightly. Do this three or four times.

5. Order a slice.

6. Ask what the order taker is wearing, and when he or she answers, go, “Mmmm.”

7. In sign language. Over the phone.

8. Tell the order taker to speak very softly, because the “Opposition Party” are tapping your line.

9. Ask them to hold on, then shout in a child’s voice, “Mummy, can borrow me fifty loller buy pizza?”

10. Pretend the pizza hotline is the NKF donation line, and ask the pizza guy to do ridiculous and unhealthy stunts before you hand over your money

Well,I thought of A few more ..and here it is....

11. Terminate the call with " This Order will self destruct in 5 seconds " Fake a explosion sound.

12. Tell the order taker you're depressed. Get him/her to cheer you up.

13. Order a Big Mac Extra Value Meal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A classic case of 'sorry oso must explain..'
--> "...After, 15 mins, the lady called back apologised for the confusion, never explained why, and offered me a free pizza on my next order.."

but then again your ideas were soooooooooo cute!!....

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

3:39 AM  

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