Saturday, May 27, 2006


You know we have to be very thankful for clothes. Cos, they earned citations for us.
People always come to you and go ,

" Nice Tie, Nice Shoes, Nice shirt....

Rarely people come to you and go " Nice person.. "

In fact, it's aimed at the clothes not you, they could be hating your guts for all you know.Wearing a nice shirt does'nt mean that you are also a NICE guy.

Clothes have it all.We really have to appreciate them.

Next time, when you see someone you hate , its totally OK for you to,

" You God Damn son of a Bitch! I hope you die and rot in hell, You asshole!!"
" By the way, that's a very nice shirt! How much did you pay for that .. "

Totally OK.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i noe sometimes..i tink that men and women..we dunt realli tink very much differently..mebbe the men just don't express demselves as much..but u totally nailed it with this post.


8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

erm...yes..wolfman nailed the difference between man and woman with this post..
just like how a nail in the chest would kill a vampire...

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

11:36 PM  

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