Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Proposed TOP TEN Punishments for Avoiding NS

Government has sanctioned new rules and regualtions for NS,notably, Bigger fines for avoiding NS and more rigid deferment rules.

I don't undertsand. NS NOWADAYS is a walk in the park. I am pretty sure my grandmother can work her way to POP.

Young men who are AFRAID to go into NS should be stripped of citizenship and banished to East Timor

Wait. Make that Detroit, they hate our kind there.

Anyways, here my recommendations to the government for these SOBs, who go to extreme means to avoid NS.

My TOP TEN Proposed Punishments for Avoiding NS

10. Make them run to touch a tree in the country they escaped to, and then run back.

9. Make them eat the oldskool cookhouse food for two years.

8. Order family and friends not to address them by their usual name. Instead, they are to be called one of the following: “Guniang”, “Botak”, or “Lobo” .

7. Whatever their job, they must carry it out in their PT kit for two years.

6. No social activites during weekdays and cease all social activities by sunday 2359H.

5. Everywhere they go, they are not allowed to walk: they must run or march and sing songs

4. Order their families to wake them up every morning with Hokkien expletives.

3. If they are famous musicians, they must include a rendition of “Today is My Bookout Day, Doo-Dah, Doo-Dah” in every CD or concert

2. Make them watch MediaCorp Shows for 2 years, strictly, every god damn one of them.

1. Make them do Guard duty in the Isreali Border.

My Top Tens ARE getting better.
I'm on a roll.


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11:36 PM  

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