We all know about the ring sport called "Muay Thai" or "Thai Boxing",
its explosive and devastating techniques have thrilled audiences worldwide and ensured its popularity.Remember "ONG BAK"?. Well, for those who have,watch out for "TOM YAM GOONG"
But where did this sport come from, where are its origins? I had to find out.
It is believed that the Siamese people had their own styles of fighting, in each Kingdom a different style.
Muay Thai started way back in the medieval ages when wars were fought with bows and arrows, swords, and pikes. And in hand-to-hand combat arms, legs, knees, and elbows were also used as weapons. This sport which was included in military training was made famous by King Nareusan 1560 A.D.
I found out some interesting facts about this great king as well.
We all know that before Thailand, there was Siam. But beforew Siam, there was this great Kingdom of Ayutthaya.
Ayutthata was under Burmese rule and the ayutthians and the burmese hated each other.
Picture the Scots and the English.(Remember BraveHeart,Rob Roy?)
Young Naresuan was taken to Burma as a hostage by the Burmese King to ensure good behavior of the Ayutthian King.The Burmese king, taught the young prince well. Educated in arts and military tactics and war, Naresuan became a firm favourite of the Burmese Royal Family
But when he was 16, he was returned to Ayutthaya as part of a Hostage exchange.
However in Ayuttaya, Naresuan did not forget where he was brought up.
By that time, the Burmese King died, and his son took over the Kingdom
Then one day, Burma was attacked by a group of Monguls. The Burmese prince sent armies to fight these monguls. But the monguls were too strong for them.
Learning this, Naresuan led his own army and defeated the monguls.The burmese were jealous and saw Naresuan as a threat.They saw Naresuan's victory and saw it as a disgrace for the Burmese.
They attacked Naresuan army, offguard and killed many of his soldiers.
During this battle, it has stated that Naresuan was the prime target.Burmese soldiers, had one objective, to kill Naresuan. Naresuan soon found the odd stacked against him and lost all his weapons.
But instead of surrendering, he then used his bare hands, feet,knees to fight the Burmese Army.
The Burmese were stunned, and with the confidence and inspiration from Naresuan, he and his army won.
Some say he single handedly battled 15 men, unarmed.
He had displayed probably the 1st style of Muay Thai.
King Naresuan the Great(whom he was later known as), began building up his army and eventually got independance for Ayutthaya.
Muay thai was inducted into the military and is now known as the famous unarmed martial art of Thailand. It has also spawned different styles of muay thai in different parts of Thailand. Various styles and tactics were developed
It's populartiy has spilled over Asia and into the West.The Thais take it as a prestigous national sport in their native land.Muay Thai fighters are seen as great figures in the country and are treated with respect
Hail King Naresuan the Great, probably the founder of Muay Thai