Saturday, September 03, 2005

Murder 101

Body Parts Murder. Severed Body Parts found in Orchard and MacRitchie. Second in a space for 2 months. Murders are getting more interesting. On the brightside, our CID and our very own CSI have some REAL cases to crack. Fortunatly for the Police and UNFortunatly for the media, the killers , our LOCAL killers usually..correction always leave clues behind and are always caught.
Efficient police??? Now, thats a thing to ponder.

I am not a sadist.I don't get off people being chopped up, it's just that our local murderers always get caught.
I mean, don't they ever read, or watch movies on how to clear your trace.
Proper Planning perhaps? There even links on the net.Serious,search under AOL online.

Then again, murders can't be not planned for. Impromptu situations that make men come to a decision , to murder, to kill, a solution to a problem

The mind can be an unpredictable thing. You thought you knew your next door neighbour? The mind is like the earth's plates. It moves every single moment, and we don't realise it, at all.

All it takes is a shift,a change in plate tectonics, and we have a catastrophe. An earthquake, Hurricanes, Volcanos, death

Like Plate TeCtonics - Life Situations that lead men to have an intent to kill.
Our Resistance is Futile.


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