Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Moon Bike

From 1996 to early 1998,I was working in Penang,in the Royal Malaysian Air Force Base as a Singapore Ambassador.The FPDA - The Five Power Defence Arrangement which consists of the Brits,Aussies,Kiwis,Msians and Sporeans

It was a lovely place to work. Relaxed. No Pressure.Pure bliss
I used be very close to the aussies as they also happened to be my neighbours.
I used to have a passion for Off road bikes, scramblers, and everyone in the base knew about this.

I even participated in races over there.

There was a large contigent of aussies at the base, alomost 3/4 of the ambassadors were aussies. So they had like a little auditorium where weekly, there will be talks and discussions on certain subjects from back home - Australia.

My Aussie mates came over one day and told me that they are going to have a talk about this new Moon Bike which is THE COOLEST bike they ever heard of and they were all going to attend the talk.

Well,sounded interesting.
I made my way, about 20 mins walk down to the auditorium and took my place in the room.
It was a bit strange, considering a large number or women attending the talk. Did not see my mates, figured they may be late
I was just too tired walking for 20mins, took my seat at the back and waited for my exciting Moon Bike. I was pretty excited actually.

A few minutes later, an Aussie Woman walked to the front area of the auditorium and said "Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen(I swear she looked at me when she said that),lets begin our talk about the Lunar Cycle"


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