Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The 47 Ronin

The story of the 47 Ronin is one of the most celebrated in the history of the samurais.

It happened that Lord named Asano was chosen by the Shogun to be tasked with imperial duties for the Imperial family. To assist him in this new duty, the highest ranking samurai master, Kira was assigned to instruct him in matters of etiquette. Kira, it seems, was a somewhat difficult character and expected Asano to compensate him monetarily for the trouble, which Asano held was simply his duty.
The two grew to dislike one another intensely, and Kira made every effort to embarrass his student. Finally situation exploded within the shogun's palace - Kira insulted Asano once again, prompting the latter to draw his sword and swing at him. Kira was only wounded in the attack and Asano was promptly placed under confinement. Asano perforemd Seppuku, Ritual Suicide for the disgrace(better known as harakiri)

When the news of the unfortunate event reached Asano's castle, his samurais were thrown into an uproar and argued heatedly over what to do next.

Kira was no fool, and expecting some sort of attempt on his life by the Asano men increased his personal guard.

But Asano's men were notimpulsive. They waited and waited for almost a year until Kira grew complacent and relented his guards.

Then one day,47 of them, donning samurai armour, set out on their revenge. Once at Kira's mansion, they attacked, and murdered Kira, his men and his family, his servants and even his domestic animals

Kira's head was then put in a bucket and carried to the place where Asano was buried.

After performing thier rites to the spirit of Asano, they turned themselves in.

When news reached the shogun, people were shocked.It was a mass murder, they had wiped out virtually all decendents of Kira.

When the Shogun learned of all the unfortunate incidents, strangely he was impressed with thier loyalty.He gave them a light sentence and to carry on being samurai in his castle.

But the 47 ronin did not see it as justice and performed Seppuku right before the Shoguns eyes.They would serve no other master than Asano.

The story of the 47 Ronin is told to every japanese kid growing up.
It's a japanese legend.
A Tale of Pure Loyalty.

(Inspired by the movie, Ronin)


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