Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Check

Went out for a fancy breakfast with my clients and colleagues.
Check came at the end of the meal, as it always does. Everyone who were having a laugh while eating just a few minutes ago...were now puzzled, quizzed..

Never liked the check at the end of the meal system, because money's a very different thing before and after you eat. Before you eat money has no or very little value. And you don't care about money when you're hungry, you sit down at a
restaurant, feeling all majestic cos you know, whatever you order, is gonna be served on a plate for you.

After the meal, the napkins are destroyed, tables a mess(ok ok,in my case la!), you got your chair back, legs outstrectched - then the check comes at that moment.

People are always mystified by the check.

"What is this? How could this be?"
You start passing it around the table and..
"Does this look right to you? We're not hungry now. Why are we buying all this food"

2 words. Buffet.A Happy Meal. (ok,3words)

You Should Have Your Money Working For You.....

My Colleagues were talking about yesterdays bull run at the ST.

Everyone says, well actually some of everyone, That You should invest. Let the Money work for you.

The phrase " You should have your money working for you "

Okay, I've decided I'll do the work. I'm gonna let the money relax. You know what I mean. Because if you send your money out there - working for you - sometimes, it gets fired. AND I certainly cant afford that.

You go back there and start asking.....

" Hey,What happened? I had my money. It was here, it was working for me. I was relaxing ."

" Yeah, I remember your money. Showing up late.Always Slacking and taking time off.I'm afraid we had to let him go."

I'll Do all the working and Money, you go zen.