Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Fool

When i was a kid,My favourite ride was the bumper car.What a wonderful fantasy of the driving experience it could be.

You don't need a license. All confrontation, no destination.Thats what they are.
Driving it was an act of pure hostility.
It was like being in an ancient battle, instead of horses there are bumper cars.

But's there's always one kid on the bumper cars that couldn't do it. As soon as the ride got started, he'd be like stuck in a pack of empty cars, waving his hands...and usually ending up with the attendant hanging off that big pole, helping him steer.

And we all keep clear of him.

This happens in life. There's always someone who doesn't do it right.
Remember the clown in your primary school who can't tuck in his shirt properly in his pants.
The goofy moron in your BMT who's always saboataging the whole platoon.
The clown in your office who always gets picked on.
Sometimes you go to a club and you see an idiot who makes a complete fool of himself.

I think its GOD's way of telling you,

"Hey, I know it's aint rosy rite now. BUT look on the bright side, you don't wanna be that fool"

And we move on.


Blogger WolfMan said...

I had a fool in my office once who was very fat. we used to call her fat wans.

9:39 AM  
Blogger WolfMan said...

Dear insane princess,*cough cough, vomits*,

My comments have no relations to facts pertaining to the myth of Indians having a preference for fleshy women

Defamation against other races, especially minority groups are illagal in this country.

Pls do not create a civil unrest

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

11:36 PM  

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