Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Is the water's wet?

I recently acquired a custom made fish tank from a friend. This dude has been rearing fish since young and had this really expensive custom made cool tank which he needed no more.

Well, I always wanted to have my own aquatic habitat in my room and guess this was the sign. But that's not what this post is about.

As i was carrying the tank into my lift from my car, a middle aged man, my neighbour, stepped into the lift with me and asked

" Fish Tank ah? "

After a second or two I replied

"Well, yeah"

No offence to the man, but that was really a dumb ass question.
But then again, I guess its kinda instinct.People tend to ask stupid questions when if you really think about it, you probably know the answer.

Ever bumped into a friend in a cinema, and usually the 1st sentence would be

" Hey, Watch movie ah? "

Sometimes it can be quite irritating. I mean what the hell would I be doing in a cinema for?
Theres a way around it.
The answers.

When you meet a friend in a cinema
"Hey Watch Movie ah "
"Nah, I paid $8.50 to use the cinema toilet. It's a toilet thing"

After the movie
" Hey, nice show rite! Did you see the part where KingKong takes on the 2 T-Rexs "
" Nah, I was reading a book la. "

I should have answered my neighbour in my lift
" Nah, it's a tank for me. I want to swim in it"


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