Saturday, November 26, 2005

Measuring Distance

I realised you can measure distance by time.

" How far away is that place? "
" About 15 minutes "

But it doesn't work the other way

" When do you think you can finish this? "
" Around 4 km "


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm..then whoever came out with
"Distance = Speed x Time" should come join me on the SLE - 2nd lane - at 9am in the morning.

but I get what you mean..Mr. Wolfman, I get what you mean..

7:50 AM  
Blogger WolfMan said...


The 2nd lane in SLE is for IF yu have not seen Episode 3. Nothing to mdo with my distance blog

Are you ok?

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tsk! I think your blog timing got problem...I definately didn't post a comment at 7am in the morning. Its you -_-

8:53 AM  
Blogger WolfMan said...

Dearest anonymous,

What a point related reply. You supposed to set your own time. My blog is for people all over the world, with different time zones.

Remb, earth revolves?

6:09 PM  

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