Friday, January 06, 2006


I am getting a little tired of pretending to be excited every time it's somebody birthday. I Mean really, at this point, what's the big deal?
How many times do we have to celebrate that someone was born?
Every year, every person, over and over
All you did was not die for 12 months
Whats the big deal?

And the other thing, everyone at Birthdays pretends they like the gift

" Do you really like it?"
"Yes, i do"**
"Because if you don't you can return it and get a refund"**
"No, No i really like it"**
"Really, it looks good on you"**

**These are all lies

Stop lying people!
Can't we just make a list of all the things that we would want as presents and send them to our friends.
If you don't wanna buy me something, Don't Bother
If you cant afford it, Don't Bother

Next time, lets us all be very upfront about it

"Happy Birthday Karun!"
"What crap is this? what would i do with this shit"
"Err..i though you would like it....
"Didn't you get my list? You can keep this dude! Care for a drink?"

Lets all be a friend


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People have their rights. They can celebrate their birthdays all they want.. as many times as they want.. It's the only time of the year that they get any attention or be noticed or feel special.

If you don't like it.. don't attend. Give some excuse.

I agree on buying practical gifts. Ask somebody what they want and get them something that they will use. And not something they will chuck in their drawer and find it after 10yrs under cobwebs.

11:56 PM  
Blogger WolfMan said...

My query is, why do we have to celebrate it. Are u Heaven Sent? You mean you only get special attention on that day?

You got lousy fren Or u must be a loser

Kill your frens, move to another country or seek help

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can reveal that I jibe consent to with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
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I noticed the axiom you have not used. Or you profit by the dreary methods of development of the resource. I suffer with a week and do necheg

5:07 PM  

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