Saturday, November 26, 2005

Attention all Flight Attendants......

I recently took a a flight to Hong Kong.The flight was 5.30am in the morning.
Halfway during the flight, i was woken up by a flight attendent.....

STOP waking us on planes to eat your crummy fod. If we're sleeping, let us sleep. Would you want to be awakened in your bed to eat a crappy omelete?

I didn't think so.

Nobody wants to be woken up for anything. You eat when you get up. What is the god damn emergency? You think you have the only food in the world? Last piece of food I'm am gonna get in Earth or something?
Food IS available elsewhere!!

Of the 2 tings you do a plane, sleeping is extremely difficult. Eating is very vey easy. If we have accomplished the hard one, don't come shaking us to do the moronic one, namely , eating your crappy food.

All we want is to get where we're going and hopefully not be totally exhausted. Thats very important to us. Your wake up calls are unneccessary.We'll cal you if we are hungry.

Thank You.


Blogger WolfMan said...

i just had an sms from a flight attendent friend. Apparantly, they are well aware of the situation and are TASKED to wake up the passengers.

It's a form of disclaimer, from passengers claiming discounts if they are asleep when food is served

Sorry, darling. Flight attendants are sweet lovely people.Muaks!

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a person full of angst. Take a chill pill won't ya...

7:52 AM  
Blogger WolfMan said...


It's how I see things in life,
The World In My Eyes

Aint no St.Anger

6:12 PM  

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