Monday, September 24, 2007

Top 20 Greatest Movies of our Time

Some of the finest and the best, I have seen.
(in no particular order)

1. The Godfather
2. Rocky
3. Star Wars series (Duh!)
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Lord of the Rings series
6. The Usual suspects
7. Scarface
8. Heat
9. Close encounters of the third Kind (still searching for the dvd!)
10. The Prestige
11. Goodfellas
12. Escape to victory (will kill for the dvd)
13. Seven ( what happened to David finch? )
14. Memento
15. Taxi Driver
16. The Truman Show
17. Raging bull
18. Full Metal Jacket
19. Clockwork Orange
20. Fight Club

okay....I had to extend the list!

21. Platoon
22. Reservoir dogs
23. Snatch
24. Blade Runner ( will kill again for this DVD )
25. The Trilogies of Die hard, Indiana Jones and Back to the future

To be Continued

You know you hate it when you are watching a program and right at the end, it says
" To be continued "

The whole reason that we watch a program or a series IS SO that we can finish it.
Find closure.
Next week? I have to wait next week? What's going to happen next week?

And the funny thing is, you know that the program is going to be continued.
It's already 7.55pm, and they have not got the killer.And Timmy has still not found the way home!

But it does not apply to live shows or when you do comedy.
You can't go
" A man walks into the bar with a pig in his hand....WELL! Tune in next week to find out "