Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Oblivion of Women

One of the Greatest Mysteries in life.
Men have yet to unravel or even understand.

It's a relentless pursuit to realisation.

Here's a start.
My experiences.My Conclusions. Well, some so far.

- Girls enjoy always having something kind of wrong, like a headache or cramp or something. Remember: No matter how bad it sounds, she’s going to outlive you. During these times, winning arguments are futile.Contact is highly dangerous during this period. DEFCON 1

- Beware of your girlfriend's single party friend or gay bud. They want her to be single with them and will encourage any bad behavior as often as possible.

- Never trust a girl who has no girlfriends. She doesn’t get along with other women because she’s either shit crazy or just plain psycho.

- Girls who say, “I love sports!” are lying. Girls who ask you what time the game is on, without specifying which game they’re talking about, are not.But this is a rarity.

- A girl would prefer to get a $100 gift from Tiffany & Co. than a $500 gift voucher from Takashimaya. Why? Because her friends will ask where she got it.

- Unless they’re lesbians, she won’t approve of your hanging out with other girls. Even if they’re ugly, fat. Actually, even if they’re lesbians, her cousins or even her sisters.

- Women actuyally want to talk dirty, but they’re afraid you won’t respect them in the morning. Reassure her that letting go in bed doesn’t make her less classy.

- Let her beat you at something once in a while, playstations, Guessing games,and she’ll be more likely to give you what you want, like some peace and quiet.

- Any good woman will tell ya, Honesty is not always the best policy.

- Buying a present for your girl. She’ll hate it if she finds out you took along another woman to help pick it out. Even its her best friend.

- You'll probably never know how many guys she's slept with. The standard lie is 2, Which really means about 6