Astronomers have found a new planet in the outer reaches of the solar system.
It is the 10th Planet in our Solar System, making pluto NOT the last planet
The planet, which hasn't been officially named yet, was found by an american scientist named Brown and colleagues using a powerful telescope that costs alomost a million dollars somewhere in the mountains of San Diego.
Backyard astronomers with large telescopes can see the new planet too, according to the astronomers.
It is supposed to be more visible over the next 6 months. Which then Scientists can confirm further details of the 10th Planet.Also in giving it a name.
After pluto was found in 1930, Scientists did almost conclude that our Solar System was made of 9 planets.And it was complete
But they were wrong. The 10th rock from the sun was found.
Debatably, that leaves us to ponder, is there a 11th planet, or even more.
Some scientists believe that our solar system is one of many others in infinate galaxies.
A galaxy where there is even a larger sun, which equates to a larger Solar system.
Perhaps a habitable environment for Liveforms, a differnet species or even a Human race, creating an Alternate Universe
There is a scientific equation which says that Time Travel is linked to the Universe.
Technically, when you go back in Time, you don't go back to our time but YOU CREATE a past alternatly to ours. Thus, creating an alternate universe, which has its own past, present and future.
It's a whole new world out there.
Next, the 11th Planet.