Sunday, September 18, 2005

Alphonse ( Scarface) Capone

Many of us knew the great Gangster Al Capone as the notorious gangster in the early 1900s in Chicago.BUt, not many knew that he was loved and he was a Robin Hood like character, was well respected and loved by the people. But that all changed after an an accident

Capone got his nickname Scarface due to a cut on his left cheek.Capone started his life of crime at a young age. Rumored to have started pimping prostitutes before reaching puberty, he was raised on the tough streets of Brooklyn and earned extra money as a bouncer in various brothels. By the age of twenty, Capone had moved to Chicago and was managing a popular nightclub named The Four Deuces. By the age of 30, Capone had his hand in various rackets, including prostitution rings, bootlegging, and gambling houses.

Capone had mastered the art of politics, and as a wealthy, powerful gangster figure, he attempted to balance his activities. Despite his illegitimate occupation, he had become a highly visible public figure. He made daily trips to City Hall, opened soup kitchens to feed the poor, and even lobbied for milk bottle dating to ensure the safety of the city's children. City officials often were embarrassed by the politic strength of Capone, and began leveraging his illegal activities through police raids, along with setting intentional fires to his places of business.

In the beginning, the public glamorized Capone's activities and identified with him as a modern day Robin Hood. It wasn't long, however, before the public started weighing against him when it was believed that he had ordered the death of a famed local prosecutor. The young prosecutor had before tried to pin Capone with the violent murder of a rival gang member and he had a reputation for going after bootleggers. Although many speculated against Al's involvement in the prosecutor death, there was a great outcry against gangster violence, and public sentiment went against Capone.

After this incident, Capone became a public hated figure and had to flee into hiding. He finally came out of hiding and surrendered to the police.
But, however as you would see in movies, there is insufficient evidence against Capon and he was released.

Capone then went back to his business, crime, Organised Crime a term which was coined because of him.

An Organised Crime division was formed, especially to stop Capon and finally they got him for Tax evasion.Capone was jailed and eventually moved to Alcatraz where he was kept with watchful eyes.

After a few years years, Capone was transferred to Terminal Island Prison Southern California to serve his rest of the sentence.Syphilis, a disease he had evidently been carrying for years

He was soon released due to poor health and finaly died in his luxurious Palm Beach Mansion.


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